On an island just outside of the coast and tried to catch my first wave today. On Wizard beach, Bastimiento, Panama. We had to walk through a mud slide over the hills to get there, a beach, totally deserted, except for the wizzard: Ebarristo, a guard who`s job it is to keep people safe. He was in his cabaƱa looking out over the ocean. Insane, in the caribic, on a beach, just us. Me dijo, ah usted tiene el don de lenguas! Que bueno saber y conocer a vos, espero que puede utilizar bien su don, hay que desarollarla y ver donde Dios quiere que tu puedes contribuir en su trabajo. So we got into faith and religion and that my attempt to surf in a way was putting faith directly into practice. A kid runs up with a machete and a plastic knighthelmet. Ah! You are a knight I say, but you must be a good knight. He laughs back to my words with a shy pride.
After half an hour trying to catch a wave (the conditions are not the best ones and I am a total beginner) I rest next to Nina in the sand and we read until we are almost sunburned, again!
So we decide to walk to 1,2 kilometres back through the mud. And when I say mud, man do I mean mud! We are in there up till over our ankels and slip and slide through the jungle, dodging frogs and tree roots every now and then. On our way back we meet a Dutch coupe that just got robbed here, by two guys with a machete. They lost 20 dollars, all they caried with them. We were carrying a surfboard and a bag with a towel and two books, not exactly jackpot. I mean, robbing a surfboard would definately limit your fast fleeing capacity, let alone increase the ability to be spotted.) It didn`t scare me at all. I heard the stories of people that rob here, they ask your stuff and then they (not locals from the island but probably from some other place) go about their way again before police gets informed, You see, the last robber here got shot in his ass! so they know to just strike and be gone. So I figured they were probably long gone already and if not, well, they can get the books! I mean, they don`t want to injure anybody, they just want your money and stuff!
Anyway, the walk and the surf attempt washed away my hang-over and I`m pretty positive that they are gone and had the feeling that even if they would appear, masked in white I`d almost be like, oh, hey, there you are, we heard you were here robbing people and expected to might bumb into you, sorry, we didn`t bring anything of worth. I don`t know what got into me, I just knew they woulnd hurt us or get our stuff so we continued our walk as if it was just another strawl.
Yesterday we were at another island, were Columbus once had to repair one of his ships: Caranero. We swam and met some nice Argentinians and a local who had a Dutch girlfriend, he commented on our Marihuana that is was too strong and not nice. I agreed. When he asked whether the girl, Nina was my girlsfriend I told him, who she? No, she is my therapist from Berlin, which IS basically true. He was like, yeah right! No, no, really, she is my accupuncturist, that`s how we met and we became friends later. In the evening after dinner Max, a guy from Munchen comes and picks us up with one of the boat taxi`s and we hit the maintown Bocas de toro to start drinking beer, before it is ladies night at the opposite island where the girls drink for free. I must say, I misbehaved. After arrival and security check we take the empty dancefloor in the now pouring rain and go for it. Two guys from Texas, an American Girl, three others and myself, drunk, take the role of party starters and start dancing fanaticly. The dancing crowd grows and after some minutes a circle opens and the Texasman makes some snake moves and the people around jell and clapp, the girl moves in and busts some moves, I jump in on my hands and since it`s wet slide through and fall in the crowd on the other side, people still encourage and help me up, well, if someone makes an ass out of himself, others might feel more free to take a shot too. The enthusiasm of travelers going through the roof is still increasing. Later when the rain is actually pouring the girl and I remain and she tellls me, okay, let`s do this, You dance and then stop, then I dance and stop, then you begin again and stop, then everybody dances again.
So we told a story. She dances, stops, I start, stop, she goes and sits down, I follow dancing and sit down beside her, arms crossed, she goes off again and stands legs wide, I go underneath and come up at her backside, she moves away, I sit down, she comes to me and sits on top, then we move again simultaneously and continue the game untill the music stops and we high five off the stage into the crowd around and get us another beer. Now I know this wasn`t my first occasion reaching the centre of attention of a party while drunk. And I really am shy and insecure more often, but when the occasion arises, the rush and the alcohol seems to lure me into these kind of situations.
Now I`m confessing my sins on a blog.
My birthday was great in a very simple way by the way. I read several birthday messages frm Europe, since I was already 27 there, but still 26 in Costa Rica! and then ended up drinking beers into the night with a girl named Faith in a hammok in the hostel Bekuo en San Jose. We had a click and conversed deeper into the night. On my birthday morning I jumped into a taxi, off to meet up with Nina and Skinny. We took the bus from to Panama, incredible landscapes on our way and great ginger pills that prevented any nausea. We passed the border crossing a bridge walking, discovering a new world and once on the other side teamed up with 4 surfers in a minibus taxi, laughing our way up to bocas (see photo), by taxi and later by boat. It just seems so unreal to be on the caribean sea in Panama while having had a secret wish to visit Panama ever since I saw that animation film of bear and tiger finding this empty chest of bananas. (I must have been 6 years old. In the story, the chest smells so good, they deice to part for Panama and walk and walk for such a long time that when they finally arrive at their own house again, it has changed so much they don`t recognize it and exclaim: wow! Here we will stay! How beautiful is Panama!
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